Through either enemy cannon fire or the unplanned detonation of their own cannon, the life expectancy of a ship’s gunner was low, with the chance of making it to retirement even lower. The Gunner’s Roost is the home of one ship’s gunner who defied those odds.
The Gunners Rickety Roost is a large model designed to be suspended over water on stilts. Its multiple levels contain locking pins for stability and it features interchangeable corbels you can customise.
Product Details:
- Scaled for 32mm (1:61) scenery and miniatures. If you wish for a different scale, please contact us with your requirements.
- 3D Printed in high quality PLA+ at 0.16mm layer height.
- Some assembly required – we recommend Super Glue
- Unprimed and unpainted – we recommend Vallejo primers and paints (sold here)
- Although we thoroughly inspect and clean our prints with as much care and attention to detail as we’d expect for our own models, some models do require some cleaning and sanding as required.
- Print And Paint Scenery Pty Ltd (ABN: 42 674 639 715) is a licensed printer of Printable Scenery models.
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